
今天沒事做~ 所以就趁這個機會玩了一個Lina介紹給我的繪畫程式。




My Shoes


Mondo Gelato

今天的天氣這麽好~ 怎麽可以不出去玩呢? :) 天氣熱的時候,我最喜歡吃冰淇淋來消暑了。講到冰淇淋,我在downtown最喜歡的冰淇淋店是Mondo Gelato (換老闆之後,現在叫Gelarmony了)。


Mondo Gelato







之後去English Bay玩的時候發現了那裏有一家Marble Slab,另一家我喜歡的冰淇淋店。對我來説這是一個蠻高興的發現,因爲以後就不用跑到New Westminster去吃Marble Slab冰淇淋;downtown就有一家。

下次我會給大家介紹Marble Slab的!

Korean Mochi Bread

今天我想要教大家怎麽做韓式麻糬麵包~ 我第一次吃這種麵包時,是一個朋友帶麻糬麵包來學校當午飯吃,但是不喜歡,所以跟我交換。(是的,你知道你是誰~)

Today I am going to teach everyone how to make Korean mochi bread~ (Yes, I am translating some stuff into English today for the readers out there who can’t understand Chinese) I first tried this bread when a friend brought it to school for lunch but didn’t like it, so traded lunches with me. (Yes, you know who you are~)


It is actually really easy to make because it’s from a mix.


This mix can be purchased from Korean markets. I went to H-mart. It was on sale at the time, so I decided to buy it and try making it at home.


The back of the package actually has all of the instructions, but they are in Korean so we couldn’t understand. In the end, sis went online to find the English instructions so we would know how to get started.


- 預拌粉一包 (250g)
- 蛋一顆 (50g)
- 水 (70mL)



– 1 Package mix (250g)
– 1 large egg (50g)
– water (70mL)

(I substituted milk for the water)


1/ 把烤箱溫度調到180C
2/ 準備一個大碗,將蛋跟水在裏面攪拌均勻。
3/ 倒進一點預拌粉,攪拌均勻。再倒一點,攪拌,直到倒完爲止。
4/ 用手把麵糰和平均。
5/ 把麵糰分成8粒,放在烤槃上。
6/ 在麵糰上噴一點水。
7/ 放進烤箱裏烤35分鐘。


1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
2. Mix the egg and milk together in a large mixing bowl.
3. Pour in some of the mix, stir thoroughly, pour some more, mix, until all of the mix has been poured in.
4. Using your hands, knead the dough a bit until it’s firm
5. Divide the dough into 8 balls.
6. Spray some water on the dough balls. Place onto baking pans
7. Place into the oven and bake for 35 minutes.




The sesame in this bread was already part of the mix. Some places sell the original mix, so you can add things inside according to what you like, for example cheese.


And Finally..

真的放暑假了。 今天是我自由的第一天,有點不習慣。 從去年9月就沒有停過的我,現在面對沒有時乘表的未來,真的不知道要怎麽去打發多餘的時間。 很想買一台電子琴在家裏玩一玩,也很想去找些義工服務類的事情去做,可是再過兩個禮拜就要回臺灣玩,現在什麽也不能開始。

這兩個禮拜我就好好地陪妹妹吧! 我上學的時候都沒有時間去陪她,有點對不起Sis。 <3 (如果妹妹在讀的話,想跟你說一聲“I Love you~” ^^)

謝謝Daddy和Mommy不給我壓力~ 我知道我在學業方面上並不是第一,但是我已經很努力了! 所以就原諒我吧。 我明年會更努力的。

也想要謝謝身邊的朋友們。 你們讓我這一年過得非常開心,也教了我很多東西,讓人生多了一點樂趣。

這些話平常都是過年才說的吧? 不管了; 反正我現在說了。 因爲暑假的開始是一學年的結束, 我現在說應該比較適合。

Looking forward to a fun-filled summer!

Strawberry Season

今天感覺很開心。 早上考了期末考,現在正式得放暑假了~ :) 希望考個高分,明年能進動物系。

爸爸昨天買了2大盒的草莓。 已經是草莓季了嗎? 我想去Richmond摘草莓。 去年夏天8月多的時候有摘藍莓,其實我也想摘櫻桃,可是附近好像都沒有櫻桃果園。 (最近的聽説是在Maple Ridge?)

反正講到草莓,想要跟大家分享一件事~ 草莓又甜又好吃。 大家都喜歡吃;連蟲蟲也愛。 所以農藥很多! (謝謝媽咪給的Info~)


今天的陽光真溫暖~ Everybody having fun? :D


Eyes etc.

眼睛發炎真的很不好玩。 不知道怎麽搞的,前兩天左眼很不舒服,又腫又痛。 應該是隱形眼鏡的關係吧? 最慘的是這個禮拜要考試。星期一有小考,星期三跟五有兩個期末考; 眼睛不舒服,根本不能用。 書看不到兩頁就想睡覺~~~ 眼睛在跟我抗議。 它說:“我累了! 我需要休息!!” 而我卻回答:“不行! 我要考試!!”

反正現在過了三天之後已經好了很多。 以後我一定會更小心的保護眼睛。 沒有了雙眼,日子一定會很難適應的。 有可能以後會考慮做鐳射手術吧? 這樣就不用擔心隱形眼鏡和發炎的問題了。 只是有一點點怕後遺症。 聽説晚上會看不到?

這個禮拜考完試,我就放暑假了! 今年夏天會回臺灣玩,還蠻期待的。

最近在Facebook上找到了一個臺灣的小學同學。 以前我有回臺灣上小學5,6年級,所以前幾天爸爸就問我有沒有誰用Facebook? 我原本以爲誰也不會找到,因爲臺灣人不太用Facebook吧? 結果還是找到了一個人! (其實是妹妹找到的) 以前網路沒有像現在這麽發達,我們連e-mail也沒有,所以很難保持聯絡。 現在有了Facebook就方便多了~ 把全世界的人都連在一起。

反正爸爸想要我找小學同學的原因是因爲今年夏天回去可以跟他們見個面,結果我跟那個同學聯絡之後,來回留了幾個Messages, 我把MSN給她之後她也沒有再回我了。 算了~  我現在也不會跟她聯絡;回了臺灣再説吧。 否則把自己搞得太desperate也不是件好事。 謝謝某人跟我討論這一件事。 : )

該繼續復習了。 眼睛好了,可以專心準備考試了~

Doggy Love

A few days ago Sarah and I went to Ivy’s house to play with her doggies. They were so cute and friendly! When we walked in the front door, Pocky and Gilbert started barking like crazy, but Pocky calmed down quite quickly. Gilbert was still very hyper though. I really wonder why dogs like licking human hands so much? I don’t mind dog saliva since I’m not allergic to them. (Although I heard that some people are?!) Dog saliva actually has healing properties too!! They have antibodies or something like that. I remember back when I was younger, somebody told me that if I let a dog lick my wound it would heal faster. That sounded both cool and kind of scary to me!!


Here is a picture of Pocky! He knows how to sit and has a very calm nature. I thought his fur was crimped at first, but it turns out to be his natural wavy hair! So soft~! Like a lamb.


And here is Gilbert~ He has an extremely hyperactive nature. I think he might have ADHD!! For those who don’t know, that means Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder. He can’t sit still and even when he must stay in one place, he would turn in circles again and again and again~ Like when Sarah went to the washroom, Gilbert turned in circles in the same spot until she came back. At first I found him to be a bit intimidating because he loves to pounce and lick my hand and clothes and everywhere, but after a while he calmed down and turned into a little gentleman! (like the one you see in the picture)

People say that a dog is a man’s best friend. I want a dog in the future too if I can give enough attention and devote enough time to it. It will be a very sad feeling though when the dog dies. I guess it’s like that with all relationships. If it is really worth it to feel extreme happiness during the relationship, but immense sadness when it’s all over? I guess it is. It’s just too bad that the sadness can’t come first, then the happiness. I am personally a big fan of happy endings~

Rest In Peace, Wheatkins

Wheatkins 2000(?)-June 8, 2010

Today morning I woke up to the sad news that my pet canary Wheatkins has passed away. : (

She died of old age.. I’m glad she left peacefully. She was a good companion and has been through quite a lot with me.

We got her when I was in grade 7. So that makes it.. 8 years that she has been with us. Who knows how old she was when she first came too? Around 1 or 2 years old? She lived a long life.

When she first came, she was scared of people and wanted nothing to do with us. After a few weeks though she warmed up to us and became as tame as a hand-fed bird.

We watched her as she changed from a young bird to a mother bird (she laid quite a few pretty little blue eggs back in her younger days although there was no male bird), then from a mother bird to an old bird.

She was still fine yesterday too. The sun was shining bright and Wheatkins was taking a shower like she always did on sunny afternoons. My sister and I exclaimed how she looked like a young bird again. Under the sun she looked bright eyed and youthful, the same way she looked 8 years ago.

I hope that she has gone to a better place. Rest in peace, Wheatkins. You will be missed. <3


Once I was walking around in downtown Vancouver with my sister and a friend when we suddenly came across H-mart.

I have never heard about that place before but my sister did. Apparently it’s a korean grocery store/shopping centre.

Downstairs they sold cute little trinkets (jewelery, stationary, etc..) and that was what really caught my attention to enter the store in the first place. There was also a small bakery off to the side as well. They had really pretty cakes and delicious looking breads.

Upstairs is the actual H-mart. I’m not exactly sure if the downstairs store is a part of H-mart? I’ll need to check up on that the next time I go.

I thought that the whole place was quite interesting at first, mostly because there was a bakery right beside a jewelery/stationary store. You don’t see those side-by-side everyday within the same store. H-mart itself was also quite interesting. They sold food and items, mostly Korean, and had a small food court within the mart too.

In the end we bought some cute cellphone hangs. See the pictures below~ If I have the material, I want to attempt at making some of them. I think that it will be a fun project!

My bunny doll : )

(I really like the material that the dolls are made of. I think that this plastic leather material feels better than cloth and doesn’t get dirty as easily. ^^ They sold fabric ones too but I didn’t pick those. They were still really cute though! They all were.)

Sister's bear

Aoyama Cafe

A few days ago I went to Aoyama cafe in Aberdeen Mall (Richmond) for a very, very late lunch. (Around 3 in the afternoon!) Why so late? Daiso again. Daiso is always my distractor in that mall.




這個地方其實是香港人開的;爲什麽要取日文的名字呢? 大概是因爲好聽吧~ XD

Cafe interior

裏面有分兩個區域:一個是Cafe區,另一個則是Dining區。 上面的照片是在Dining Area裏面拍的。 想在Dining Area裏用餐,一定要消費滿20CAD。 我覺得他們的用餐區很舒服,氣氛也不錯~

大概是因爲下午3點鐘的緣故,裏面用餐的人很少,所以很安靜,吃飯也沒有壓力。 我吃飯吃得慢,常常怕會有別人在等我的位子。 還好有某人吃的比我還要更慢。(對的妹妹,就是你~):)

我點了一個 “Unagi Casserole” (鰻魚焗烤飯)。

Unagi Casserole

我很愛吃casserole的原因是因爲兩年前的夏天,婆婆帶了我和妹妹去一家臺灣的意麵店去吃意大利料理;第一次嘗到了焗烤的美味。 可惜的是,我不常看到有餐廳賣Casserole。這一次好不容易又給我找到了!

這槃Casserole上面有5塊鰻魚 (藏在海苔絲下面了,不知道你看不看得到?),最上面還有一層溶化的Mozerella Cheese。 裏面則是拌了curry的Pilaf rice和一些白蘑菇加上意大利麵裏的白醬。(英文好像是Alfredo Sauce吧?)

很好吃~ 剛好滿足了我那天的Cheese Craving。 :D
